Hightlight our distribution process to make it as clear as possible for the user.
- Sign-up for as cheap as a coffee cup
- 100% refund guarantee
- Lightning-fast communication
- Risk Free
- Distribute with unmatched speed and ease
- Lighning-fast communication
- Gain a massive advantage with our priority supply chain
- Gain valuble insights into your growth with Industry leading analytics
- Understand how your music performs and improve!
Get Paid
- Control your royalty payouts
- 0% Commission
- Split your royalties with collaborators
Gain a significant advantage by distributing with IndieMassive
Distributed with Care
While others in the industry are like fast-food joints, offering cheap, quick distribution, we are the local, home-made experience. Our attention to detail and personalized service make us that little family restaurant of the music industry that cares about each and every customer. Do you smell that? That’s your release getting the treatment it deserves.
Transparency & Technology
IndieMassive is different! Our advanced technological developments and our priority supply chain grant our clients a direct advantage over those who distribute with the majority of other platforms. Sure, that means we may not be the cheapest option, but these factors will greatly benefit your catalog through expedited processing, preferential treatment from DSPs, higher editorial chance, and much more. The choice is yours!
Gain total control of your finances!
The Problem
Each music distributor, without exception, incorporates processing fees into their operations, and these fees are eventually deducted from the royalties that should rightfully be yours. Moreover, these distributors constantly grapple with various forms of platform abuse, which can have a detrimental impact on every release they handle. Consequently, when your music is launched through such a distributor, it faces a considerable disadvantage right from the start. What makes matters even more challenging is the fact that you might not even be aware of the extent to which these companies are recouping funds from your royalties, all without your knowledge or consent. This lack of transparency can leave artists in the dark regarding the true financial implications of their music distribution deals, potentially affecting their overall earnings and success in the industry.
The Solution
We have developed a unique token system, that provides our community with total transpareny of processing fees, while effectively mitigating the majority of platform abuse. For $3 you can purchase a token, which is a one-time fee valid for the succesful distribution of 1 track.
Rather than us recouping these $3 without your knowledge, we’d rather give you control of your finances, asking this payment upfront. This gives you insight on your processing fees while effectively removing malitius content from our platform which in turn help your releases on IndieMassive!
After 3 releases you will have the option to negate the token system and allow us to recoup these processing fees from your royalites.
We promise a 100% money-back guarantee!
If for any reason we are not able to work with your music, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee of your subscription! Simply reach out to us at and we will process the refund as soon as possible.
Build your music career with modern industry veterans!
Priority Supply Chain
DSPs recognize IndieMassive's commitment to quality, valuing the content we deliver. This recognition translates to expedited processing and enhanced algorithmic preference for releases via IndieMassive, benefiting our clients. In short this means that your music is more likely to be placed in algorithmic and curated playlists on all majoy DSPs.
Advanced Technology
Unlock Unprecedented Speed and Support: With our revolutionary technology, we have the ability to handle over 16x the daily music distribution of the entire industry in just one minute. This innovation empowers us to prioritize quality control and customer support, giving your music a remarkable edge over competitors. Experience lightning-fast communication whenever you require assistance – choose success with us today.
Trusted Industry Partner
We've built numerus incredibly succesful businesses in the music industry, including the most popular and most successful music marketing platform and a label with Billions of streams. All of our projects are centered around the musician so you can be assured that you are in good hands that will do everything they can to help you achive your goals! We are excited looking forward to working with you!
#1 Royalties Systems
Easily automate royalty splits and collaborate seamlessly with fellow rights holders through the IndieMassive platform. Gain unparalleled convenience and insight with detailed reports and statements, enabling you to optimize performance across your catalog. What's more, our innovative system allows you to effortlessly recuperate expenses by offsetting them against royalties from the same release. Join us to streamline your earnings and expenses like never before.
We’ve delivered BILLIONS of streams to our artists!
“IndieMassive has been instrumental in the growth of my career. With their team’s guidance I went from a fresh brand with 0 streams to 10M streams, hundreds of thousands of monthly listeners and playing mainstages at festivals! The tools they provide give you all of the information you need to make calculated decisions that have noticable impacts on your catalog.
I’ve never been more proud to be an indie artist!”

“Unreal… We wondered how long it would take for someone to finally build a platform like this. The industry is changing and these guys understand how to stand at the forefront of the independent community and carve a path for artists and labels to follow for success. If you name a distro platform, we’ve probably worked with them and NONE of them can compare to IndieMassive – these guys are taking over.”

“I was losing hope as an indie artist until I found IndieMassive. Since joining IndieMassive I’ve felt more encouraged than ever to be unique and have released some of my best music to date. This team is changing the industry!”

Our Plans
Whatever your size, grow with IndieMassive!
The perfect plan for artists looking to get serious about their careers!-
For 1 Artist
Priority Supply Chain
0% Comission
State-of-the-art Royalties Systems
Lightning Fast Processing
Dedicated Support Team
The perfect plan for labels and agencies looking to get the most out of their catalogs!-
For 5 - 10 Artists
Priority Supply Chain
0% Comission
State-of-the-art Royalties System
Lightning Fast Processing
Dedicated Support Team
The perfect plan for any label ready to scale its operation and grow!-
For Unlimited Artists
Priority Supply Chain
0% Comission
State-of-the-art Royalties System
Lightning Fast Processing
Dedicated Support Team